Employee Management System utilizing Databases
I. Project Details
Team Members:
Hengky Sanjaya (2201852492)
Naufal F. Basyah (2201840334)
Rio Adi Nugraha (2201798856)
Ryan Rusli (2201832446)
II. Problem Statement
In order for a company to function it must have a system to organize its own resources. One resource that is crucial yet sometimes overlooked is human resources. A company must at all times have access to all the required data related to an employee. The required data includes but not limited their wages, leave allowances, work ratings, contract type, etc. in today’s era HR becomes a given when talking about any workplace.
In the interview we conducted we have surmised that a significant number of HR managers still have all their data in excel. This has its own share of problems such as field organization, scalability, and data integrity. We asked a number of questions such as “what do you use to store data?” and “What do you think can be improved?”. The answers we obtained as well as research results led to our conclusion that database might be a better means of data storage for this matter. Hence we have come up with the following problem statement:
How can the usage of databases improve the efficiency of an HR department in a company?
The above is the end goal of the project where everything is based on. Deliberations towards UI design, transaction requirements all have the above basis for the overall design of it.
III. Target User
The target user is an HR manager of a company. Currently, according to our interview there are plenty of HR managers who use excel as their main source of data storage. This has a suite of problems we are trying to solve by converting that data storage into a database. This in theory should ease their workload and apply scalability to the system.
IV. List of Relations